Forum Discussion
Avatar - Selection
Why is avatar not reflecting. It does get reflected usually, not sure what is going wrong in the attached file.
- TommiOjalaCommunity Member
You have jump slide trigger higher in order than the triggers that set up the variables. Therefore only the jump happens, and all the triggers remain False when you reach the next slide.
I actually do not have any ideas how can move that trigger that combines two objects lower in order. I had break it up in to two different object triggers.
While working on the project, setting up refecence fields for you variables might be helpful to see what you have going on. Once everything works you delete them or drag them out of sight.
- MalvikaMalho044Community Member
Isn't this file exactly same as above Avatar file. Selection of characters work well in Jagged file.
- Jürgen_Schoene_Community Member
there is a difference between the two files
your trigger is to early, but is is not possible to move the trigger to the correct position
-> this is a known bug in storyline - reorder of trigger sometimes don't work (up/down buttons are deactivated and drag&drop not work)
to fix it, you have to delete the trigger and redo it
now it works
there is another error - the trigger should be displayed here at last (but it works anyway)
- MalvikaMalho044Community Member
- Jürgen_Schoene_Community Member
yes you have delete and recreate some trigger - the orginal file is damaged by storyline
probably triggers with combined objects are affected
split this combined trigger in separate trigger is unfortunately not enough
=> rearrange buttons are disabled !
and grouping don't word !!!
=> file is damaged !!!
now delete and recreate the two separate trigger (don't combine the trigger)
=> it's possible to rearrange the trigger in a section
and grouping is working !!!