Forum Discussion
- RonPricePartner
Without seeing the Storyfile, it will be hard to determine what might be happening. Is this something you can share?
- GuyBosworthCommunity Member
Attached the zip file to the post
Hi Guy,
Thanks for sharing a copy of your published output. Would you mind sharing a copy of the .story project file as well so we can open your project in Storyline 360 to take a look at how your slides are setup?
- mandy_laskyCommunity Member
Agreed on sharing the SL file if possible. You could also double-check that the background of your slide layer is set to "no fill."
- GuyBosworthCommunity Member
- RonPricePartner
The file you will want to share is the one you are opening up to make edits. It will end with ".story"
- GuyBosworthCommunity Member
Hi Guy,
Thanks for sharing your project file. The reason why the 'Base Layer' disappears when the 'Specific Committees 1' layer is shown is because you have a background image in the layer that covers the base layer entirely.
Since this image already exists in the base layer, you don't need to have it in the 'Specific Committees 1' to make it visible, and removing this image from the layer allows the base layer to be fully visible when layer 'Specific Committees 1' is displayed on the slide.
Let me know if you need anything else!
- GuyBosworthCommunity Member
Doh! Thanks. That fixed it. Much appreciated.