Forum Discussion

WilliamKrysi427's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Best Translation Services for Rise 360 and Storyline 360 content

Happy Start to Summer 2022 everyone. I was wondering what others are using in terms of translation services from content created in English using Rise and Storyline 360 into other languages such as German, Brazialian Portuguese, Spanish, etc. ? I am using the interactive content blocks, video demos in replay 360 and storyline... Just wondering if there is an easy way to translate. I have started to investigate the Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS Translate. And by investigating, I went to their website. (HA HA) 

My ideal vision is to house the content in an LMS in English and have a user choice a language and the conversation occurs near real time... but if that is not possible, then hosting the newly converted training module in the LMS and giving access to the student there. 


Thanks a lot for the help (in advance). Delivering Happiness, Bill 

  • Just wondering if you ever got an answer to this or what you ended up using. I've heard SmartCat is good but also looking for other options.