Forum Discussion

KimDavis-f92d7b's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Black screen when revisiting

I'm hoping one of you super duper articulate pros can help me, a newbie.....I am uploading several courses to our website using elearning freak.  The courses are  showing a black screen with an option to resume or restart.  The courses work perfectly once you select either option however it looks very unprofessional. Is there a way to remove this black screen or at least change the color of it??  I'm not sure if I have something in the course that is causing this or perhaps the course is not being publishing appropriately.  My process for publishing is: I publish to the web from articulate and then zip the file. From our wordpress site I upload the zipped file. 


  • The default setting is for a course to "Prompt to resume," that is, ask a returning learner if they want to keep going from where they left off or start over. However, you can change the Resume setting to "Always resume," so the program won't give learners the option to resume or restart. 

    This setting is in the Other section of the Player.

    • KimDavis-f92d7b's avatar
      Community Member

      Does this remove the black screen? I don’t mind the revisit but need to get rid of the black screen

      Sent from my iPhone

  • If the program isn't set to "Prompt to resume," it will either immediately resume or immediately restart (based on which setting was used). In other words, that should get rid of the black screen.

    If you still want the program to ask whether the user wants to resume or restart, there's no built-in way to change how the prompt appears. It's probably doable with JavaScript, but I can't help with that.