Forum Discussion

DylanDarling's avatar
Community Member
11 hours ago

Blurred Images within Articulate Storyline Scrolling Panel

Hey everybody, I'm having issues regarding Storyline and high-res software screenshots I am putting into a scrolling panel. The same high-res screenshots have been uploaded into my Articulate Rise courses and looked gorgeous. For whatever reason, only Articulate Storyline makes these images fuzzy. I can't exactly resize them either, as I need them to work within a scrolling panel.


Does anybody have some advice or recommended fixes? Couldn't find any articles orating this exact complication.


Thank you!

  • Hi DylanDarling they may blur if the Storyline course scales up. For example, you have your slide size defined at 1920x1080 and view the course on a larger screen allowing the course to scale up in size beyond the author size. Any graphics within the module that are not vector based will start to degrade if they are scaled up beyond their original size, or are scaled down beyond their original size.

    If this is the issue, there isn't much that can be done about it, especially if you are working with screen shots.

    I have been able to address this issue with assets where I have control over the exported size from tools such as photoshop, figma, illustrator etc. I export at x2 the original size, and then when I insert into Storyline, I set the size at 50% to get to the correct size. This seems to allow the image to scale much larger without losing quality. I always make sure I optimise compression though, otherwise file sizes can blowout.