Forum Discussion

NatalieMohr's avatar
Community Member
20 days ago

Bugs when publishing project to web.

I have published a course in Storyline and uploaded it to the web over 10 times. For some reason it is acting buggy. At first it would inconsistently get stuck on a drag and drop. I had it set up using the base layer and triggers. I’d republish it, then something else would mess up - like formatting on elements I added. I eventually restructured the buggy DIY drag and drop as individual layers and then it worked ok. But sometimes it gets stuck and the variables in the scenario at the end don’t work properly. But, I can restart it and it works fine. So frustrating! I published it as a web file first and then published it as an LMS file and it worked better, but it’s still acting unstable. Has anyone else experienced this or know what could be causing this? Could file size be the problem? Thank you for any feedback you have.

I'm attaching a link to the published course if anyone wants to test it out. 

  • Hi NatalieMohr

    I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble viewing your course as expected when publishing to Web. Happy to help! 

    • Are you currently working and saving your Storyline project on your local hard drive? We recommend this to help avoid experiencing any unexpected behavior.
    • Do you experience this wonky behavior with any other courses you are currently working on, or are you only experiencing it with this file?
    • Can you successfully publish your course to Review 360 or Video without any unstable behavior? It will be helpful to isolate if the issue only occurs in Web and LMS publishing formats.
      • Are you experiencing this unstable behavior in the same location(s) of the course or in different portions depending on the publishing format?

    I am unable to open the attachment you provided, but please feel free to share the .story file and a screen recording so we can investigate this further. We'd be happy to take a closer look in this thread or privately in a support case.

    Looking forward to hearing from you! 

  • NatalieMohr's avatar
    Community Member

    Thank you! Actually, I was saving it to my OneDrive. I haven't ever experienced this before. When I publish it in Review 360, formatting is off. But in the Storyline Preview it works fine. I also read on another post to try clearing your cache. I haven't noticed any problems since I cleared my cache. But, I think you have a good point about saving it to my hard disk. Thank you for your prompt response. If I continue to have any issues, I will follow up!