Forum Discussion

RachelCraig's avatar
Community Member
7 years ago

Bullet Point formatting in Storyline 2

Hello! I am working on a course that (sadly) uses bullet points. I am unable to format the bullet points, however. My font is white, and the bullet points are black. I would like the points to be the same color as the font, but I am unable to figure out how to format the bullet points. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

3 Replies

  • GC1's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Rachel

    Click the drop down arrow to the right of the Bullets in the Paragraph Tab

    Then at the bottom of the Bullets options click the Bullets and Numbering

    In the opened tab you will have a color option for your bullets

    Hope this helps

  • When I open my paragrah there is no "bullets" option. The options are "general," "indentation" and "spacing." Where else can I reformat? Tks!

  • Hi, L'Oreal.

    Thank you for reaching out!

    You can find the Bullets and Numbering options by clicking the little down arrow next to the bullets icon. Take a look at the screen recording below:

    Screen Recording 2021-08-03 at 03.13.12 PM