Forum Discussion

WardScott-9cdb5's avatar
Community Member
3 hours ago

Button state not changing with variable

I have 4 buttons on one slide, each with a custom state called "Completed." I also have 4 True/False variables to control whether the button state should be changed to Completed.

Each trigger on the slide is set to change its state when the timeline starts. I have even included each button's variable in a text field to ensure it is being changed. However, when all four variables are changed to True, only two of the buttons move to a completed State. 

Here is the initial state:

Here are the triggers:

And here, the result when all triggers are set to True:

I have verified variable names, button names, and button state names a dozen times and still cannot figure out why these states are not changing.

Here is the weirdest part! I went to attach my Storyline file, so I deleted all but two slides: Slide 1 had buttons to change the variables (created for troubleshooting), and Slide to with the buttons displayed above. And, everything worked. Maybe there is a different trigger at play, I thought, so I inactivated every trigger on the second slide except for those shown above...and it still does not work.

Any ideas?

  • Did you mean to attach your file? It is, as you you mentioned, most likely something else is overiding your settings but we can't really guess what without seeing it oursleves.

    • WardScott's avatar
      Community Member

      It works when I remove irrelevant slides, and I cannot submit the whole project.

  • At the end of my comment, I reference slide 2 as "Slide to." Please take this as a side effect of my frustration rather than a total ineptitude in the language. I like to think my ineptitude is only partial.