Forum Discussion

JessicaKellerma's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Button triggers don't unhide button after adding states

Hoping someone can help while Articulate staff are taking a break! 

We realised about 8 units into a project we forgot to add hover and down states to our next buttons. 

Now on slides where we have added the states to the template, copied a button into a unit and used format painter to apply states to all the next buttons. On slides with layers the initial state of this button is 'Hidden' and we use triggers to set the state to 'Normal' when all the layers are visited. This worked perfectly when there was only a 'Normal' state.
In one unit, it works on slide 3 , 5, 11, 12, 14 and all the correct and incorrect layers. It does not work on slide 16, 18 and 19. On the slides where it doesn't work, the button stays hidden even after visiting all the layers. (It worked before format painting). 

I've combed through triggers on a slide that works and one that doesn't and can't find any differences. I've tried copy and pasting a button that works to slide 16 and setting up triggers for that slide. Still doesn't work. 

Here and in two other units a button from the template was copied in and we format painted from that. In both other units, the button does not work on any slides with layers. 

Any ideas?

I've attached the file for which slide numbers are given above.

  • Hi Jessica,

    I'm happy to see that you worked directly with Matthew in your support case to identify the culprit.

  • Hi Leslie

    Yes, that's right. Matthew was great at pointing out such a simple thing we had missed.

    So here is the cause and one solution for anyone experiencing a similar issue who comes across this thread - the problem was we had set the layers to pause the base layer and had a fade in animation on the forward button. So when you return to the base layer after viewing the slides, the timeline is still paused. Though the button state changes it does not appear because timeline doesn't continue. We had to keep the pause function so rather than adding a trigger to resume the timeline, just removed the fade animation from the button and problem solved!