Next button trigger keeps changing
I have several slides with multiple cue points at which the timeline pauses. I have set the trigger for the next button to resume the timeline rather than advance to the next slide. (I have also set the slides to advance to the next slide automatically when the timeline ends.) So, these slides have a few stopping points, and the user simply hits next to step through those points.
However, it seems that Storyline is continually changing the next button trigger back to its default of jumping to the next slide. I don't know what I'm doing to cause this, but after working on a slide for a while, I will eventually go test it and find that yet again, the next button advances the slide instead of resuming the timeline as I had told it to.
For a long time I thought I was accidentally doing this somehow, but I'm seeing this on multiple slides using this timeline pausing technique. What am I doing to cause the triggers to keep reverting like this?