Button's bug (state of the button)
I encounter a problem on the buttons of my slides.
Context :
On each button there is some states (hover, selected...). When we switch from a layer to another, sometimes (not always) the state of my button doesn't works correctly . (the button's text deasappear or the button stay in "selected mode"). (See picture in attachment).
When i created this project, the idea was to create a layer for each button. On these layer, i've configured the states of my button to switch on "selected" if we are on the layer selected with the button, and the other buttons switch to "normal".
What is weird is that i've copied and paste all the slides (and buttons) so there is no reason for 99% of the buttons to work and not the other. And the bug seems to be random (not always on the same slide). On my side i don't see this bug, but all my customers see it from the review mode or scorm.
You can see an exemple of the slides in the story in attachment.
Do you have any idea of what can be the problem please ?
Thanks a lot