Forum Discussion

AlisaPerlstein-'s avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Bypassing a quiz

Hello all,

I am have been working with a simple Power-Point style narrated course in Halogen (yeah, I can't do anything about that) and as a result instead of tracking everything in LMS - I had to split the 2.5 hour class in 7 section (6+quiz) to be able to accommodate Halogen's dropped connections and failure to register results.

That means that I have to set up a very elaborate results slide. And I have to test it. A lot. It is a 35 question quiz that I have to retake multiple time a day to get to see the "Success" layer. Is there a way to set up a key-press trigger on one of the slides before that will automatically trigger "success layer" on the last slide and play in properly?

  • It depends on what you mean by “play in properly.” If you just want to see the layer, on any slide create a key press trigger that sets a variable to true. Then on the last slide, set a trigger to show the success layer when the timeline on that slide starts if the variable is true.

    On the other hand, if you want to skip answering the questions, and have them tell the results slide that you got enough answers correct to pass, and then have it act as it normally should when everything is submitted, that’s considerably more difficult. It depends a great deal on what kind of questions you are asking. You can’t directly change the scores variables, but for some question types (like pick one), you can have that beginning trigger set the answer to correct if the variable is true, and then submit the interaction.