Forum Discussion
Can a user restart a Rise course?
NASBA requires that for nano-learning to offer CPE credit, a learner must pass the quiz with 100%. If a learners scores less than 100% they must retake the module before attempting the quiz again. Please tell me how this basic requirement in course design can be achieved in Rise given all the information in this thread and the limitations of this tool? Thanks!
- hazelB3 years agoStaff
Hi Artur! How about keeping your Navigation buttons enabled so learners can go back through previously viewed content? Then you can set your passing score to 100%.
By default, quizzes have unlimited retries. They can go back to the content in the course and then retry the quiz again until they pass it.
- ArturTrzebun8833 years agoCommunity Member
Thanks for the response Hazel. It's not a matter of allowing users to go back throw the content again (that can certainly be done), but rather requiring them to complete the module again BEFORE attempting the assessment again. This would require a reset of the course so that topics appear "unattempted" and the user cannot navigate freely through them and must complete them again in sequence. The assessment score and attempts would need to be retained on each attempt.
- HeinrichBart6022 years agoCommunity Member
Exactly right. They just pretend like they don't know what is being requested here.
The functionality exists in Storyline, and we want it in Rise. I don't understand why this is so difficult to understand or implement by Articulate