Forum Discussion

AndrewHooper's avatar
Community Member
12 years ago

Can you adjust a slide duration without dragging the end point?

I know this has been asked before but I can't find an answer...

Is it possible to adjust a slide duration without dragging the end point?

I have a slide that is 900 seconds long.

It contains 10 seconds of audio and 890 seconds of silence. When using a seekbar the audio ends and the seekbar is only 5% full.

Every slide in my course is the same and it takes forever manually dragging the end point back to 10 seconds.

I just want a box where I can type in the number of seconds for slide duration, or to right-click on the time line and select "set end point".

  • AnuYadav's avatar
    Community Member

    Dear Team,

    I had same problem with entire long slide duration timing. Please resolve , how to reduce slide duration timing without drag .



  • ValesaClouse's avatar
    Community Member

    I am having "sort of" the same issue. Every time I add an object it auto selects to show until the end of the slide. I very rarely want this to happen because I bring graphics in and out of view. If I have 10 graphics added I have to go all the way to the end of the slide and move it back to the point I want it to stop. 

    Is there a way to change the default setting so that object are NOT auto set to the end of the slide? I think this would help my frustration of not having an easy way to adjust the slide length. 

  • Hello, Valesa!

    When you insert an object on a slide, it'll default to show until the end of the timeline. Having the ability to change that default setting would make a great feature request! I'll be sure to pass along your feedback. Thanks for letting us know what you'd like to see!

  • Awesome Tonya! Thanks for chiming in to share. 

    I love seeing these older threads continue to help out :)

  • This post has been up for a while but thanks Robert & Alyssa - EXTREMELY helpful...
    Had videos that were up and over an hour and has saved me so much time instead of dragging the end point for a decade...
    Much appreciated!!!

  • Thank you all! My slide was 19,000 seconds!!! I would have sat there for quite some time trying to drag it. I did the "create a cue point and press left arrow while dragging and it worked great!

  • My goodness. Glad you found this conversation, Michelle :) Thanks for chiming in to share.