Use the same idea as my last post. To accommodate two (or more) markers on a single slide, I modified the JavaScript slightly. The script is still triggered by changing the 'action' variable. Now, the target marker is specified by the 100s unit of action's value (so, 101 = play Marker 1 video, 200 = pause Marker 2 video, etc.). Note that each marker should be labeled with the appropriate accessibility tag (e.g., Marker1, Marker2, etc.) so that it can be identified by the script.
The only hitch is when you directly click from one marker to the other (rather than closing one and then opening another). I added a couple of variables to indicate if each marker is currently open or closed. These let you selectively pause the video on all other markers when the timeline resumes, unless one happens to be already open. Make sure you pay attention to the order of the triggers.
In practice, I'm sure you can clean this up a bit. See the modified example you posted.
Note, this file seems somewhat corrupted since it won't allow me to copy and paste triggers. If you move forward, I would suggest creating a new file and rebuilding the content rather than trying to expand on this file.