Forum Discussion

SarahPowers-63f's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Cannot preview or publish random Storyline 360 course files.

I have already posted this issue a few months back, and the only resolution I found was to publish on a different machine other than my work computer. 

I’ve tried the following:

  • Using the file on my local machine drive
  • Followed these steps:
  • Reinstalled Storyline on my work computer, with my IT department’s help, by following a long list of instructions provided by an Articulate Support specialist via email
  • Imported Storyline file into a new Storyline file
  • Copy and pasted slides into a new Storyline file
  • Manually uploaded the file to Review 360
  • Made sure my publishing output is less than 260 characters
  • Changed the title so there aren’t any strange characters in the file name
  • Made sure I’m on the most recent version of Storyline

Instead of attempting to create the entire file again from scratch, I just published on my Macbook Pro within Parallels and it worked fine.

Are there certain organization settings I need to ask my IT department to change in order to preview and publish certain courses on my work computer? Or, if possible, can my IT support speak with someone on Storyline 360’s support to figure this out? I’m feeling strongly that it is something as simple as a setting that needs to be adjusted, since it works fine on my mac via a virtual machine.



  • Thank you all for this discussion. I encountered the same issue today. I suddenly could not play the timeline on ay slides, could not preview any slides, and couldn't publish. I uninstalled / reinstalled storyline with no change. I made the .NET change, no change. After reading this thread I started hiding objects on slides and found anything with text was causing the issue, so I uninstalled and reinstalled the font. It now works! So, yes, it was a corrupt font for me too. 

  • BeccaLevan's avatar
    Community Member

    I'm so sorry you're still facing this random issue, Sarah. I spotted the support case you were working with Cleo in, and I've shared this update with my teammate. We will reach out soon via email with the next step!

    📚 Related resource: Articulate 360 Network Endpoints

  • For anyone who comes across this post having similar issues, Cleo and I found a solution.

    Cleo said there were corrupt items on the first slide. He discovered this by showing/hiding each object one by one and previewing after each hidden object to see which one was causing the issue. At first I thought this wasn't the issue because when I recreated each corrupt object, Storyline still wasn't letting me preview. But then I realized it was because my team uses Universal Type Client for fonts and I didn't have them enabled. Enabling fonts through a cloud service such as Universal Type Client or Adobe Fonts will solve this issue.

    I hope this helps for anyone else having a similar issue.

  • I'm glad that Cleo was able to help you, Sarah. I appreciate you sharing an update with the community as well.

  • Update for anyone struggling with this: This actually did not fix the issue. I had to recreate the objects again when I reopened the file today, after saving the recreated objects in the file from last week. It was fixed for one preview today, then I tried to preview again and it wasn't working. If I want to continue to preview and publish this course from my work PC, I'd have to recreate the entire course from scratch.

    From now on I will continue to publish course files, from my predecessor, on my home Macbook Pro since that seems to be the only quick way to get past this erratic behavior since my work PC assumes the files are corrupt.

    So if any of you are struggling with objects, your file might be completely corrupted and you will need to rebuild it from scratch.

  • Hello, I am a bit late in the conversation but I had the same issue over the last few days.

    I am running Storyline 360 to the latest version (v3.76.30446.0) on Windows 11 (updated to latest version).

    I was able to open the .story files and see/edit the content but I had issues for some:
      - the Timeline Visualization player was not working (toggling the play to pause button but nothing happens),
      - the Preview (slide, scene or entire project) was showing only the Player but no slide to show and no progress running,
      - the Publish was generating the same result as the Preview (no slide or progress).

    After a while investigating on slides, scenes, templates, versions, I came to realize the problem was a font that may have been corrupted or not properly installed. I verified and it was already installed a few weeks ago. I tried re-installing it, closed Storyline completely, re-opened the same defective .story file and everything works.

    I hope this could help anyone with the same issue.

    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi Edu Design!

      Thanks for sharing the feedback and steps you took to resolve the Preview, Publish, and Timeline Visualization issues with your Storyline 360 course. I'm sure other members of the community discovering this thread will find this information very useful!

      If you run into any problems moving forward please let us know and we'd be happy to help!

  • Thanks so much for sharing an update with us in this thread, Carie! Glad to hear things are working well on your end. Other community members that come across this thread will be thankful to know what workaround steps you tried! 

    Hope that you have a great start to your day and happy developing! ☀️

  • OMG This was a godsend! Is there a way to correct this issue on Articulates end somehow? 



  • If a font is corrupted on your computer, Articulate can't do anything about it.