Forum Discussion

Community Member
8 months ago

Can't open Storyline project after free trial!

Hi, am hoping that someone may be able to hlep me...

I finished my free Articulate trial of  a couple weeks ago and published my Storyline360 project to web, as I was under the impression that I'd be able to view it and share it with others at a later date. 

However, I tried to open the story link on another laptop but the link doesn't work. Am I doing something wrong or did my project not save properly?? 

Please help, as I really need this for my final project for a diploma I'm doing...

I've attached a screenshot with link and what's in the zip file if that's any help 

Thank you!

  • The .zip file needs to be expanded before you can open it. Expand, then look for the story.html file. If you are doing this for a class, the professor or syllabus should tell you how to submit it.  Sometimes you need to submit the expanded version; others, the zip version. If not, come back here and describe your situation for more help.

    Whatever you need, if you published and zipped it, you don’t need SL any longer.

  • Thanks for the reply.

    Decompressing the .zip and opening the story.html file worked on my pc, but I still don't seem to be able to share it on a padlet. Any further suggestions greatly appreciated.

    Thank you so much for your help :)

    • EricSantos's avatar

      Hello Lucy,

      I'm happy to chime in! Another option is to publish your Web output to a Web server like Amazon S3 and Google Cloud and allow others to access it on another device by giving them a link to the story.html file. Here's how:

      If you require any further information, please let us know.