Forum Discussion

AllisonBearer's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

PID Number for Storyline 360 Project

Hello all, 

Our institution is transferring to an updated LMS and I'm trying to transfer some course activities into the new one. I'm noticing that the Storyline projects have a PID number in the HTML. I can't just copy over the html and replace the source code for the new project because apparently I need the correct PID number. 

Does anyone know where to find a PID code for a Storyline project that I'm trying to put into Blackboard? I Googled it and they said it was under the help tab under the "About Storyline" button; however, it is not on there. 

Any advice would help. I'd love to get this code put into the new LMS. 

Thank you!

  • Hi Allison,

    Happy to help!

    If you're referring to the project ID for each course similar to what is shown in the screenshot, you can find this information in the "imsmanifest" file in the published output folder.

    Here is its location in the mentioned file: 

    If this isn't the identified you need, would you mind sharing a screenshot of the PID you're referring to so we can check where its found in the published output?

  • Hello, thank you for the response! I actually realized the PID I was looking at was attached by our LMS once inserted into the course. So when I was going in and seeing other storylines they had a Blackboard PID number. I still haven't figured out how to get this Storyline activity into Blackboard Ultra, but apparently it isn't a PID issue. The HTML code is not working for this project and I'm unsure why as I've tried to input the general iframe code between the html web address. It looks like the others. Something isn't right with it, but I just haven't figured out what yet. 

    • EricSantos's avatar

      Hi Allison,

      I'm happy to chime in. Thanks for sharing that the issue is not with the PID. It sounds like you're having trouble uploading your course to Blackboard Ultra LMS. Here are the steps you can follow to ensure the Storyline course is uploaded correctly.

      If the issue persists, test your course in a different LMS to confirm if the behavior you're experiencing is specific to Blackboard Ultra. SCORM Cloud is a great environment that you can use for this purpose. Here's how to test your course on this platform: 

      If you can replicate the behavior in SCORM Cloud, would you be willing to upload a copy of your project file here or privately by opening a support case so we can look at it? We'll delete it when we're done testing!