Forum Discussion
Change appearance of hot spot question selector marker
Is there a way to change the color or size of the selection marker for hot spot questions in Storyline? I get feedback the marker is small and hard to see. I would like to make it more noticable.
- PeterAndersonFormer Staff
Sorry, Susan. That's not something that can be modified at this time. Please feel free to make a feature request if you'd like to see it in the future, though. Thanks!
- TraceyHendersonCommunity Member
Hi Susan!
Just ran across this thread as I was looking for the same answer! If you still are interested I figured out a way to work around this and make it obvious which one is selected before they click submit. Just let me know if you still are looking for a solution!
- AndrewSellonCommunity Member
Tracey--by all means, please do share your workaround! Like Susan, I have found the "selected" marker difficult to see, and I have had clients understandably refuse to use that question type because of the visibility issue. I'm also going to file a feature request, to add my name to the list. I think I did file a request sometime last year, but it bears repeating.
- TraceyHendersonCommunity Member
Hi Andrew!
I've attached my example here. In the original, there is a question that appears over the three answer choices. I created 3 additional layers, each with a yellow star kinda thing over a choice and the text from the choice in a text box over the star (because otherwise the text is somewhat obscured by the star). I added three triggers -- one for each layer -- that reveal that layer if that hotspot is selected.
Does that make any sense?
Thanks Tracey for sharing your workaround!
- SusanMorin1Community Member
Thanks Tracey! This workaround will be most useful.
- TraceyHendersonCommunity Member
Glad I could help!
- AndrewSellonCommunity Member
Thanks, Tracey! I'm eager to take a look at it.
Let's hope people keep submitting feature requests to "upgrade" that little rotating icon, too!
- TraceyHendersonCommunity Member
I put in a request for it, too.
- EmalynLimCommunity Member
May I know how can I remove that icon which is circled in red line by you? Its quite disturbing to have that icon appearing wherever I click.