Forum Discussion
Change appearance of hot spot question selector marker
Is there a way to change the color or size of the selection marker for hot spot questions in Storyline? I get feedback the marker is small and hard to see. I would like to make it more noticable.
- JH-d12f9bfa-674Community Member
OH for the love, have we gotten a show/hide fix to this dang hotspot wheel indicator yet?? It looks just like a "processing" spinner and so confusing many of our users.
They're not clicking "Submit" because they're waiting for the stupid wheel to finish spinning, bc they think it means the system is thinking or hung up, WHICH IS A MORE COMMON AND REASONABLE ASSUMPTION than it meaning "selected."
Can we at least just get a patch with option to turn it on/off? I have object states that show the selected hotspot. So no need for some clumsy spinner wheel.
Even just that locus echo animation would be fine w/o the wheel, but that spinner, ackk!!! Extraneous, distracting & confusing. Hi J H,
I just responded to a similar message here and I've added this conversation to the report I mentioned as well.
- EdwardHoke-8ec6Community Member
Hi - Wow! The first request for changing the Hotspot indicator-selector was 8 years ago!
And, it is still not possible "out of the box"? Any ideas, rumors, hints on this?
Thank you!
- RamonaTylerCommunity Member
I just opened up a feature request as well.
- RenGomezStaff
Hi Edward,
Thanks for following up! I understand it's been years since the first request, but we also consider its impact and benefit to the majority of users.
We don't have plans for this feature yet, but we'll continue to track this request and update this discussion if anything changes!
- EdwardHoke-8ec6Community Member
Hi Ren: Thank you for your comment. I think its benefit and impact would be incredibly useful as evidenced by 8 years of requests for the same thing. Maybe for the 10th year Anniversary of "Request One" it will be a possibility! Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving!
- MichaelBelangerCommunity Member
I am here (8 years later) with the same problem as everyone else. I had the same feedback as JH and is very frustrating that this is still not resolved! Tracy has a nice workaround, however, does not take the place of our need to change the spinning wheel. What can be done to change the wheel o something else? Where is this in the slide/program? Did deep for an answer Articulate! WE NEED THIS!
- EdwardHoke-8ec6Community Member
You know Ren, and fellow eLearning colleagues, it took NASA 11 years to build the Perseverance Mars rover, so maybe in that same amount of time, your company can find a solution for the Hot Spot issue, and renaming Rise 360 Tabs? What are the odds? Articulate would have 3 years still to match.
- JanKouwenhovenqCommunity Member
We're currently evaluating the Articulate suite and this will probably be the single reason to not chose Articulate. This spinner is unacceptable together with the fact that it's taking so long to resolve such a simple request.
- SnorrskiCommunity Member
You can do it with javascript. Here is a code to change the circle to yellow, and a bit larger. Adjust by changing the color and the size:
var el = document.getElementsByClassName('hotspot-marker')[0]; = "yellow"; = "yellow"; = "yellow"; = "yellow"; = "12px"; = "-12px"; = "-12px";The script can simply run in a javascript trigger, to run when timeline starts.
Note: this is tested in Storyline 360, and might need adjustments for other versions as the DOM-structure is slightly different in various versions of storyline.
- LeanneShultzCommunity Member
Year is 2021 and I'm wondering if there's any news on updating the appearance of the hotspot marker. This is a necessary feature.