Forum Discussion
Change ownership of my files in Articulate Review 360
Hi Mark,
Thanks for reaching out!
Since this is an older post, I'd love to hear more details on what feature you're looking for and how it would benefit you. I'll then share your comments with our developers.
Since this original post, we've released Review 360 Team Folders which you may find helpful. Lastly, here's a short video to check out!
Hi Kelly, I can't talk for Mark, but I'm here because I had quite a number of items in review 360, but have since moved on from the role I had. I created team folders and shared the content, but I'm getting emails from reviewers as Review 360 has me as the owner, I can't find a way to ensure the other team members are getting the emails with the feedback instead of me. I think the answer would be to change the ownership but I can't currently do that.