Forum Discussion
Character state change flashes Storyline 360
Sorry if this is a duplicate posts. Cannot find the original. Timeline cues for character change state. Looks good in preview, but in published there is a white moment, a between state changes of the character. I've tried the fixes I have seen in older threads. No go. I'll try to attach sample slide. Any new fixes I can try?
- AlexandraSta425Community Member
I am developing a course now for students and all of the modern illustration characters or flashing when they switch state or even when I add a new or replace character on a different layer. Has there not been a fix with the flashes on characters?
Sorry you're also hitting this snag, Alexandra. Happy to lend a hand!
We fixed the issue where illustrated characters could flicker or blink when changing states or expressions in Storyline 360, Update 18. Are you seeing this behavior on the latest update?
If so, would you mind sharing your .story file (even just the character slide is perfect) so I can try to replicate the behavior? You can share it publicly here, or send it to me privately by using this upload link.
I'll delete it once we solve this puzzle!
- AlexandraSta425Community Member
Hey Katie. I just uploaded my file through the upload link and included a description of the behavior I was seeing on the characters and some other weird design features. I do have the most up to date version of Storyline 360.
Appreciate you sharing your file with me, Alexandra. I'm testing it now, so look out for a follow-up email from me in a bit. Talk soon!
- SuziStringerCommunity Member
Hi - I am also experiencing a random white flash when using a slider with an image with multiple states - the flash is at random state changes each time and is highly annoying. It does not happen with layers,but I cannot use layer in my example as this is software training and the layer covers the slider...
Hi Suzi. I'm sorry you're dealing with an annoying issue. Were you seeing this flicker with character state changes, or does it apply to other images or objects as well?
If it isn't characters that are flickering, it'll be a good idea for us to have a look at your file so we can address any buggy behavior. With your permission, I'd like to investigate what's happening. You can share your file publicly here, or send it to me privately by uploading it here. I'll delete it when I'm done troubleshooting.
- EmilyBrien-54d7Community Member
Any updates? Experiencing the same problem when publishing in HTML5.
Hi Emily. We have some issues open still with HTML5 output showing flickering during state changes. Let me grab a few details from you so I can find out what you're seeing:
- Is this issue happening with characters, or with other slide objects? If with characters, are they illustrated or photographic?
- In which browser are you seeing this behavior?
- Do the states contain additional objects?
Thanks in advance!
- LisAlvarez-a276Community Member
Hi Crystal
I'm working on course where I'm trying to use illustrated-modern characters that change state, and I'm having the same issue. Reading the previous thread, I see this is a going on issue. Is there any work out for this at this moment? (I´m using SL 360)
- RenGomezStaff
Hi Lis,
Sorry to hear you're running into the same issue! We do still have an open bug where changing the state to a custom state flickers when the timeline starts.
If this isn't what you're experiencing, or if you'd like us to confirm, feel free to share your file with us, and our support engineers would be happy to take a look!
- GlendaDeHoff-0cCommunity Member
I am experiencing a similar issue, except I am using a custom character. The bodies are pngs, but the head is an animated gif so the eyes can blink. It is fine when I Preview, but not when I Publish. :(
In the full version of the course, it is much worse and the head disappears altogether at times.
I am using Storyline 360/Windows 10/Chrome/saving locally
- GlendaDeHoff-0cCommunity Member
I am continuing to work on this issue as My course is due soon. I removed the animated head from the states and it helped a little. I am still getting a flash on the head when the slides change and it still disappears sometimes. I even set the properties to"always show" as I have had issues with that before. I wanted the character to persist from slide to slide, but I may have to give up on that idea if this cannot be resolved.
- EmilyBrien-54d7Community Member
Hi Glenda! I took a look at your file and noticed something interesting. When I copied and pasted elements from within each state to the timeline of a new slide (as their own separate objects), I noticed that the body objects have a fade exit animation applied.
I created a new demo character using 2 body poses without exit animations, added triggers to change between the states, and no flashing occurred. See attached.
- GlendaDeHoff-0cCommunity Member
I added the fae to a slide master hoping That would improve my continuity. Alas, it did not.
Becca Levan: Thanks for passing me along to Support. I received an email from them that told me I had fade-out animations on the graphics in the states of my character. Thank you, Emily Brien! I am in the process of fixing that.
She also advised me to use a static png for the head til the gif loads. Testing that, as well. You guys rock!
- BeccaLevanCommunity Member
Thanks for keeping us in the loop, Glenda!
I'm happy that Emily was able to offer those tips; fingers crossed it resolves this for you!
My teammate Angelo should be reaching out soon in your case, so be sure to let him know if you still need assistance. 😊