Forum Discussion
Checkmark missing during Quiz Review for Freeform Questions
I created a graded storyline 360 quiz using freeform questions, pick one and pick many types. We did that because we wanted custom answer choices that didn't rely on the standard radio and checkbox buttons. When reviewing the quiz, the checkmarks are no longer there showing which questions are correct vs. what the learner selected.
Is there any easy way to add this back in beyond adding in a new state for each answer choice that includes a checkmark next to the correct answers and then adding in a trigger to each slide to change those states? That seems like a lot of work, because we would also need to manually track what the correct answers are vs. using the Form View to do that.
- RonPricePartner
That is not something that can be easily turned for FreeForm Questions, You could build something like this custom variables and custom states.
- MikeAndrews-c60Community Member
Yeah I already did that once you guys confirmed there is no option to turn the check mark on. I find it odd that there is zero control over it in the regular questions, and then its not even an option for freeform, when is clearly could be.
- JudyNolletSuper Hero
Storyline can't add a checkmark to a Freeform graded question. Even though Form View indicates the correct answer(s), there are simply too many variations in layout that could make it difficult to automatically add a checkmark in the "right" location.
One simple solution: add a Review layer, and put the appropriate checkmark(s) there.
- When a question slide has a layer called Review, the program will automatically show that layer during a quiz review.
- FYI: The program will create a Review layer automatically if you enter any text in the Post-quiz review field in Form View. (As desired, that text can be deleted from the layer after you've made other changes to it.)
- The auto-added Review layer will default to using the Review Master Feedback Layout. As desired, you can edit that layout, or just apply the Blank Feedback Layout.
- MikeAndrews-c60Community Member
If storyline is smart enough to randomize the answer choices and space them out correctly, it could certainly be smart enough to know where to place the checkmark. I was surprised that it didn't do this. Hopefully they will add that in in a future update.
Thank you for the suggestions! Since these are randomized answer choices, looks like I'm going to have to add in a new state along with custom triggers. Ugh...
- JudyNolletSuper Hero
Storyline can properly space items when the objects have similar sizes. But it doesn't always work well, because randomized answers are set to align with the initial X & Y coordinates. Here's an example:
This shows a pick-one Freeform slide with three objects. The thin red lines indicate the X & Y points for each.
This shows a preview of the slide with the objects randomized.
Of course, one would hope that a developer wouldn't randomize the answers in this sort of situation. Still, because the automatic Review checkmarks aren't editable, and there are so many possibilities for how a Freeform question could be designed, I can understand why Articulate made the choice to not use Review checkmarks for Freeforms.
Perhaps consider just indicating correct answers just via text feedback during Review. Or don't bother randomizing the options.
In any case, best wishes for successful programming!
- DebbyAndrews-0bCommunity Member
This was extremely helpful, Judy! Thank you!