Forum Discussion
Classical player - impossible to resume a visited module
In December, I published some modules using the classical player with the lastest version of storyline 360.
When I try to start again a module, the message "would you like to resume" appears, but it is not possible to click on any button (the timer never stops).
When I try to start again a module published in September, I can resume easily.
Does it mean that the classical player is no more maintained?
- JohnMorgan-c50cFormer Staff
Hi Magali,
Those buttons not being clickable in the Resume window is very strange behavior! The good news here is that the classic is still being supported. Would you be willing to share your project file here or with our support engineers privately in a support case so we can do some troubleshooting?
- MagaliTOULLIEUXCommunity Member
Thank you for your answer. I opened the case number 03495177