Forum Discussion

JonathanSilk's avatar
Community Member
3 months ago

Clearing text entry boxes in try it mode

Hello people

I've created some software simulation and all is good. However, I've added a retake button at the end and the course starts again but when it comes to the first text entry box it still has the old text the person wrote in it. It also seems to bring the player to a grinding halt and there is nothing I can do. Any ideas how to clear this text so a person can practice multiple time? I'm using restart course when the user clicks button. 

Any advice much appreciated.  

  • What is the trigger on your "Retake" button?  Restart Course may be the best/easiest trigger to use as it should reset those variables automatically.


  • JonathanSilk's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Ron

    Restart Course is the one I'm using unfortunately it doesn't seem to clear the text entered into the text entry boxes 

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi Jonathan,

      The restart course should clear any existing variables and values in the course. I'll be happy to check this for you to see what's happening. 

      Would you be willing to share a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case for testing? We'll delete it when we're done!