Forum Discussion
Color picker (eyedropper) doesn't work
Hey there Martin!
Let's see if we can nail down why this is happening! No need to buy a new mouse just yet.
I'm also on a Mac with Windows 10 installed on a virtual machine. Here's a Peek recording of how the eyedropper tool works on my end.
Could you tell me...
- What version of Storyline 360 you're using?
- What version of Windows is installed in Parallels?
Many thanks for your reply.
I am using Storyline 3.17.16188.0 on Windows 10 using Parallels v13 (which was updated this morning).
As you will see in the Vimeo link I placed earlier in this post, my Mac is not responding the same way as yours. Since the update this morning, I note that the eye dropper is actually sampling the screen outside the dialogue box but not the pixels under the cursor!
(See new recording here: )
I have also discovered more about the problem...
When the Mac is not connected to any external monitors, the colour picker works as it should. When connected externally, the eye-dropper seems to be displaced by a large amount (see in video) and does not behave as it should.
I would be very gratefiul for any feedback