Forum Discussion

HettyMunn-7948d's avatar
Community Member
30 days ago

Inconsistent Colour Picker

Hi All, 

Does anyone else have constant issues with the colour picker while using storyline? 

I often find that it does not pick up on any colour at all while hovering over objects / shapes (showing either white, black or grey only). Or the colour that it picks up on is not aligned with the object that I am hovering over.

I finding that is actually the norm for the colour picker to not be working while using storyline. I read a forum that this was an issue for some people a couple of years ago, but was interested to know if anyone had found a solution, or if this had been fixed by storyline? 

I have reinstalled Storyline, but this did not fix it. And the same issue happens across all my devices...


Would appreciate any insights or advice from anyone!! 

  • Hi Hetty,

    Yes, the color picker in Storyline does not always operate the way it should.

    I tried a test. I am using two monitors, one laptop and one external. I set the scaling of both monitors to 100% and tried the eyedropper in Storyline. It worked fine. I then changed the external monitor to scale to 125% and tried the eyedropper in Storyline in the external monitor. Now, it was not selecting the colors over which the eyedropper was hovering. 

    In a further test, I set both of my monitors to 125% and the eyedropper functioned as it should.

    My conclusion is that a mismatch between scaling on monitors causes Storyline's eyedropper to malfunction. My guess is that due to scaling, Storyline gets confused as to where the eyedropper actually is and does not select the right color.

    In short, if you are using two different monitors, try setting the scaling of both monitors to be identical and see if the Storyline eyedropper cooperates better for you.

    I got the idea from a previous post. The answer might be related to the way your monitors are set up if you are using dual monitors. Here is a quote from a previous post.

    "After further investigation, it's linked to her dual screen with different PPI settings (laptop is 125%, external monitor is 100%).

    Mine is a tower with two identical monitors at 100% display scaling so no issue here.

    No problem when she uses only her laptop monitor, problem back when connecting second monitor and gone if she sets scaling at 125% on the external monitor (but it's ugly)."

    That post is here: Color Picker | Articulate - Community



    • HettyMunn-7948d's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you so much for this detailed response Kendal! I think this is it, my office is all hotdesking so the monitor set up varies day to day. This would explain its inconsistent behavior. 


  • JHauglie's avatar
    Community Member

    In addition to this suggestion, you could also do the following: Make sure that Storyline is active only on your native display (such as your laptop screen) and see whether that makes things easier.

    My reliable workaround has been to take a screenshot of the desired color scheme[s] (using SnagIt), then use the SnagIt eyedropper to capture the hex codes for the colors, and manually enter them in Storyline. I also added several "frequently used colors" to my "custom" colorset.