Combined quiz - graded questions and essay question
I am trying to build a quiz that includes three graded questions and one essay question. Each question should account for 25 points or percentages, with the score for the essay question being received if the learner enters some text. The submit button on the essay question only becomes clickable after the learner has filled in at least 100 characters. Triggers connected to the button are supposed to add the score for the essay. However, the results slide currently only calculates 75% of the total, reflecting the three graded questions and not the essay input.
I also want to see the text that the learner types in the essay question in the LMS report. (In a previous file with only the essay question, I linked it to a survey results slide, which had a submit result trigger, allowing me to see the text in the LMS.)
1. Is it possible to create a quiz that includes an essay question and graded questions as described?
2. If this integration is possible, how to ensure the results slide calculates the score correctly, including the essay question?
3. How can I achieve the visibility of the text input by the learner in the LMS report if the results slide includes both graded questions and the essay question, similar to how I achieved it with a survey results slide and submit result trigger in the previous file?