Forum Discussion

MichaelBreagy's avatar
Community Member
12 years ago

"Contains" variable

I have to believe that someone has already posted this question, and/or it has already been submitted as a feature request, but it seems like there's no way to add a "contains" text variable in Storyline. You only have two basic choices: equal to and not equal to. Has this already been requested?

  • Hi Kelly, 

    This feature hasn't bubbled up to the top of our roadmap, but we're still listening to the feedback!  We'll let you know here as soon as we have more info to share! 

  • Hi Kelly  - you may want to try using javascript in the mean time?

    I found this tutorial by Matthew Bibby that shows you how you can count how many times a particular word is mentioned in a text entry field.



  • AlainDumais's avatar
    Community Member

    Merci Safurah!

    Je cherchais justement d'un bout de code JS comme celui-ci pour valider les adresses email (@) que les élèves inscrivent dans leur examen. :-)

  • I'd really find this useful too - we have a few eLearns where the learner will need to free type a sentence, and we'd like to include keywords in something like a 'contains' operator, which will allow the learner to get the question right if they type certain words into the field..... any news on when this might be? this thread is pretty old now!

  • Has the conditional choice been added to variable yet? I can't find it. I'm trying to create a search for a "glossary and common terms" but storyline won't let me use "if contains" nor search for terms with a space in the term name. So i am stuck searching on single words only - hard when you have terms too. Help! (Java script wasn't working and seemed like way too much work - I'm not a programmer). 

  • Can I just pitch in too here in support of this feature?

    This feature would be really useful in my scenario too.  I would like to allow users to paste a URL in a text entry field, and if that URL contains a specific string of characters, then they would be correct, otherwise incorrect.

    For background, I want users to identify a correct document with legal databases, In some databases, there would be more than one URL that could be considered correct but all of the URLs have a doc ID string in common. So the ability to have a "contains" variable would be so useful.