Forum Discussion

RobertWatkins-5's avatar
Community Member
8 months ago

Continue blocks compatible with SCORM 1.2


We recently published a course that uses continue blocks that are set to force users to complete all blocks on the page before advancing to the next chapter. There are six chapters in total. The source file has the blocks set correctly. The course was published out as SCORM 1.2 . I have had users email me screen shots of the final course page showing the completion message, but with the TOC showing incomplete lessons, meaning the continue blocks did not do their jobs, even though they were set correctly. This problem is not with just one chapter and occurs for only a small, >5%, portion of our users. My LMS, Docebo, supports SCORM 1.2 and 2004 v3.

My question is, does Rise have an issue with tracking the interactions as complete in SCORM 1.2? I know that 2004 can handle 'complex' navigation, but was under the impression that meant rolling up multiple SCOs under one tracking umbrella, not built-in Rise interactions.  Does anyone have any insight? I've also looked at the admin logs for my LMS and no one has re-enrolled in the course themselves after having been auto enrolled, and there has been only one version of the course loaded into the LMS. 

I'm totally stumped.

  • KarlMuller's avatar
    Community Member

    We don't use Docebo, but we use Continue blocks and publish to SCORM 1.2 and have not come across the issues you have described, 

  • Following this thread - we are experiencing a similar issue with SCORM 1.2 content hosted on Oracle Cloud Learning. The behaviour we're seeing is that the learner gets to the end of the module and it appears fully completed, then does not commit a pass to the LMS upon closure. When reopening the module, there are 4-5 content blocks out of the whole course that show as incomplete again (or 86% complete). Redoing these content blocks again then correctly reports back to the LMS. We're going to do some testing with SCORM 2004 for comparison to see if this makes any difference. Any other findings would be great to hear.

  • Hello,

    After a lot of digging, I'm going to agree that the 1.2 standard is the likely culprit. We're experiencing the same scenario you describe. However, our issue was compounded by the design team not locking the course navigation, so people were free to view the last page with the a completion message without actually completing it. To help mitigate this impact, we republished a version with locked navigation which should not affect anyone's progress, but we'll see. So truly a riddle wrapped in an enigma. 

  • As an update, we tested successfully with SCORM 2004 last week, but now we've gone full deployment we are getting reports back from users saying completion is not being properly registered, so we're at a loss currently to understand how to rectify it.

  • That's unfortunate. After digging into the course's development a little more, I noticed that the multiple Continue blocks in each lesson were set to Complete All Blocks Above instead of Complete The Block Directly Above. I wonder if that has anything to do with it. Sorry to hear your users' confusion. Our course is winding down this week. About 1200 enrollees, I would say 20 or more reported this issue, which means there's more out there that didn't.