Forum Discussion
Continue to next topic after passing quiz
I have a Rise course that includes several sections using blocks. I'm using button sets to create branching so I have turned off the previous/next buttons. I have a quiz block at the end of the course and want to have a slide after passing the quiz to wrap up the course and thank the participant. The only option I get, whether passing or not, is retake the quiz. Anyone have a workaround?
Hey there Susan,
It sounds like you have turned off the Previous/Next buttons and removed the Sidebar from the course, is that right?
I can see how this does create a roadblock for learners, as there's no way for them to move forward after the quiz. Let me get this in front of my team to see how we can help. Thanks for the head's up on this!
- HelenDudleyCommunity Member
Hi Alyssa and Susan
I am having the exact same issue. I've got five attempts on the course assessment and then once they've passed I want a final closing block. But they can't get passed the assessment. My navigation is free, side bar initially displayed. Assessment has five attempts, passing score of 100% and require passing score to continue is on.
Here is my course link:
Hi Helen!
It looks like you included the Rise authoring link, which is unique to your Articulate ID. Instead, could you send the Rise "Share" link?
It begins with
- HelenDudleyCommunity Member
- SusanEppsCommunity Member
@alyssa, I have removed previous/next, but sidebar is open. So technically, the learner could go to the sidebar and continue, but the experience would be better if i could indicate there's more by adding a continue block to the quiz. I'll stay tuned. Thanks all.
- HelenDudleyCommunity Member
Hi Susan
Agree this would work, and agree the experience would be better if you could add a divider directly after the assessment has been passed indicating more content to follow.
Hope a solution is found as I have a course waiting to be published this week.
Thanks for the link, Helen!
If I passed the course assessment, I was able to move on to lesson 11. However, if I failed the course assessment 5 times and then ran out of attempts, I wouldn't be able to move forward to lesson 11.
Course administrators will typically use the "require passing score" feature paired with the "limit quiz attempts" feature to check in with learners who might be struggling with their content. If you'd like them to be able to move on after a number of attempts, even if they don't pass, you can uncheck the option to require learners to pass.
- HelenDudleyCommunity Member
Thanks, Alyssa. Very helpful.
- SarahPaisley-a6Community Member
Unfortunately even unchecking this option does not enable the leanrer to progress despite failing.
- SusanEppsCommunity Member
@alyssa, I have unlimited attempts indicated for my quiz and they must pass to move on. Whether they pass or not, they only get the option to retake the quiz. I don't want to share my link here but will send it to support. Thanks again for any help on this issue.
Hi there Susan! I see you've been working through this with Ryan. If you have any more questions about this, don't hesitate to reach out!
- SusanEppsCommunity Member
Thanks @alyssa. I've requested a feature update as Ryan discovered I cannot currently accomplish this, so I'll do a workaround for now. Thanks for the help!
- MagdaDiaz-c87feCommunity Member
I have this same question and request from stakeholders. It would be nice to add a block that shows up right after a quiz to tell them what to do next. We feel that just having the sidebar isn't enough. Count me in for this request :)
- DavidWolfeCommunity Member
By the time that Articulate made this update I had already fully published and exported my SCORM courses into the LMS environment and didn't have time to go back and add in this function. Not sure if you're in the same boat, but my workaround was to add a detailed navigation lesson at the beginning of each course showing how to find the "next" bar by scrolling down. But if/when I build more training courses in the future, I will be adding the "Continue" button in.
I believe to get this feature to activate for quizzes you have to go into the Settings for your entire lesson, go to the "Navigation" tab, and then turn OFF the "Previous and Next Buttons" option.
- MatthewFrancisCommunity Member
Hi, I just posted a very similar discussion then saw this, is there any capability yet to continue to the next lesson after successfull completion of a quiz. I also have navigation buttons off and restricted and am using buttons to navigate between lessons. Also is it possible to see dates when posts are published and last replied,
- SusanEppsCommunity Member
I submitted a feature request, nothing yet. As a workaround, I added the prev/next buttons back in so they display to move on to my final slide. It's not ideal as I'm still using my button navigation for branching. Regarding the publish/reply dates on a post, take a peek at the top right of each post and when you hover your mouse over that it gives date/time.
- ChePrince-ad20dCommunity Member
Hi Folks!
The workaround I used to be able to advance past the quiz when the Previous & Next Buttons navigation has been turned off, was to create/publish the quiz in Storyline, and then add/insert into it into a storyline block in RISE. You then have the ability to add a divider block (continue) and interactive block (button) below.