Forum Discussion

KevinMcGrath's avatar
Community Member
10 months ago

Copy a scene with duplicate variables unlinked to the original variables

Hi team,

I have created a scene with lots of variables and triggers and I want to recreate the same thing but with different default numbers in the variables within the same storyline file. This issue I have is that the variables carry over and are linked to the other scene - I want to duplicate them as standalone. I'm looking for a quick way to do this without needing to manually go variable by variable and rename them all and then edit all the triggers. Is there an easy method for this?

Many thanks,



  • A variable maintains its value until a trigger changes it. Thus, it might be possible to reset the variables when the user goes to a new scene. However, that depends on how the different scenes are accessed, how the variables are used and displayed, and whether the user might revisit slides where they'd expect to see a value based on what was done in that scene. 

    Personally, I'd create separate sets of the variables. A good naming convention would help keep things straight. For example, all the variables in a given scene could start with the scene number ("1_this"; "1_that"; etc.).

    So here's my recommendation. First, be sure the initial variables have names that indicate their scene. Then create the duplicate variables with names that indicate their scene. Adjust their defaults, as needed. Then go through the duplicated scene and switch to the appropriate variables in the triggers.

    Yes, that's tedious. But I think it'll be simpler overall to troubleshoot and to maintain.