Forum Discussion

FrdrickBlais-d2's avatar
Community Member
7 months ago

Corrupted file

Hello, I have a file that was working fine 15 min. ago. I had to reboot my PC due to a screen issue. I made sure to save the projet and close Articulate Storyline beforehand. Storyline does not prompt me with a previous version of the file. Is there anyway I can recover it or do I have to do it all over again? Thanks.

  • Welcome to the E-Learning Heroes community, Frédérick! We're glad you're here.

    I understand your Storyline file got corrupted after rebooting your computer. I'm sorry to hear that. There may still be a working version of your project in your temp files. Here's how to check:

    1. Open this folder in Windows Explorer: %appdata%\Articulate\Storyline.
    2. Scan the contents of this folder for a file that starts with the name of your project.
    3. If you find the file, copy it to your desktop (if you find more than one, copy the latest version).
    4. Change the file extension of the copy on your desktop from *.tmp to *.story.
    5. Double-click the file to open it in Storyline.

    I recommend these tips to reduce the risk of file corruption in the future.

    Let me know if you could recover a copy of the file from the temp files. Otherwise, feel free to share the affected file here or privately in a support case. We'll see if we can still recover parts of the file.