Forum Discussion

JathPathmana646's avatar
Community Member
2 months ago

Corrupted Storyline file

Hi all,

I have a corrupted storyline file which I would like to access and make some updates to, however, the original file belonged to someone else in a different team who has now left. We can't retrieve earlier versions of the file unfortunately. Is there a way to fix the corrupted file in any way?

I also have the SCORM package zip file which was saved from an earlier version of the file but I don't think I can access the storyline file from this.

  • SteveGannon's avatar
    Community Member

    Have you tried importing the slides into a new Storyline file? If the process seems to start to work but then an error occurs, try importing just the first half of the slides. It could be that just one slide is corrupt. If you can narrow it down to determine which slide(s) may be causing the problem, you may be able to import the rest.

    If you don't have any luck, open a case with Articulate Support. They may be able to recover the file or at least a portion of it.