Forum Discussion

KylieJameson-58's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Course Manager has no access to Themes

I logged on today to see the most recent updates. My team shares many courses. Previously, if my team member created a course and added me as a course manager I had full access to make all changes, including content-related and settings-related changes (colors, fonts, etc.). However, due to the recent change, only the course owner can access the new "themes". This is hugely problematic for my team. All those involved in course development (managers and owners) should have access to the features within the "themes" section.

  • DanJeffries's avatar
    Community Member

    See the announcement at the top of the Forum page; some of us have already responded to this. It needs to be fixed urgently!

  • DanJeffries's avatar
    Community Member

    Reply from the main thread:

    As Dan mentions, only the course owner can change the course settings, including theme, navigation mode, and collaborators. We've made updates in this user guide on how to collaborate with other authors.

    Completely unacceptable, Articulate!

  • Hey there, Kylie. We're collecting feedback about the collaborator permissions changes -- thank you for sharing. We'll let you know here if we make any updates to how that works.

  • Thank you everyone for your honest feedback! We just released a fix to allow course managers to also edit Themes! 

    Note: Edits you make in the theme or settings menus can potentially override another user’s. Make sure to coordinate with your team so that you’re not modifying a course simultaneously.

    Please let us know how else the new Theme features are working out for you!