Forum Discussion

AdamThiel's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Custom certificate in Rise 360 course exported to Reach 360?

Can you edit the default certificate that gets created when someone completes a Reach 360 course? The design is pretty basic, and the PDF that gets generated isn't accessible (no accessibility tags).

It would be perfect if we had the option to create and edit a custom HTML certificate instead, possibly even on a per course basis.

  • Hi Adam! I believe I replied to your case already.

    I'll reach out to you again if we receive updates regarding the feature request.

  • Has this been implemented in some way that I'm not finding or is it a feature that will not be implemented? Adding this feature would be fantastic in many ways. A simple great iteration would be allowing the graphic of the "badge" to not only be changed (current feature) but resized as well as the font size on the certificate.

    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi TonyCurry-e85da!

      Thanks for checking in on this!

      I don't have any updates to share at this time as our development team prioritizes other features. Not to worry! Customizing certificates of completion in Rise 360 is one of our top features requested by users. I've added your voice to the feature report, and will provide updates if it makes it to our Feature Roadmap.

      Have a great rest of your week!

  • LorneLantz's avatar
    Community Member

    I'm waiting for this also......For now I'm manually creating certificates for students


  • I also need this.  At least being able to add fields to the certificate would be helpful.