Forum Discussion

PhoebeGill's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Delaying/Scheduling the release of lessons

Hi all,

I would like to create some storyline courses and export them onto a website. I will have say 2 semesters a year. I'd like one lesson to be released weekly, so as to not overwhelm students. I'm considering also having the lesson 'close' and disappear after one week, to make students complete it during the one week that it is available. This opening and closing of lessons would have to happen of course in each semester and for every cohort of students.

Is it possible to schedule the opening and closing of individual lessons and if so can it be done automatically?

Thanks in advance

  • Hi, Phoebe,

    To allow for such scheduling, each lesson would need to be created in a separate Storyline project. In other words, they'd be mini-courses.

    Whether you can pre-load those lessons and then open and close them automatically depends on the functionality of your LMS. 

    If you're not using an LMS, then you'd have to manually upload and delete the lessons as per your schedule. 

  • PhoebeGill's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Judy! That really helps clarify things for me, thanks so much!