Forum Discussion

DebraMascott-05's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

Designing an Activity Comparing two Proposals and two Criteria

Hello All: I am trying to build an activity using Drag and Drop. What complicates this exercise is the evaluation on two fronts. The student needs to look at 10 factors. The criteria is whether the factors are relevant or irrelevant and how it can help make a decision for Proposal A or Proposal B.

If the exercise is just to assign relevant or irrelevant, and drag onto one proposal, that seems straightforward. However, not only does the student need to assess the relevance, but they have to decide if it belongs in Proposal A or B. (Rather than drag the factors in text form, I created two circles (blue=relevant, green=irrelevant). This can get unwieldy, I would like advice on how to approach this. Story file and screenshot attached. Many thanks in advance of any advice. Debra

1 Reply

  • HI Debra,

    Forgive me if I don't understand the project entirely, but I think from a design standpoint, it seems you have 20 factors instead of 10. Basically, you have two possibilities for each factor, so from a drag-and-drop perspective, you have 20 items to drag and currently 2 zones on which they can be dropped.

    I think the way you are approaching it can work, but I agree it might be getting unwieldy. Here are some thoughts that might help for coming to a solution:

    • What about breaking slide 2 up into 2 separate slides, one per project. That way, you would have all 20 draggable objects and only one zone on which to drop them. The learner would choose which items should be dragged onto the Project 1 zone and leave the rest alone. Then, you could repeat the process on another slide with Project 2. (This also might allow you to free up more space to put a summary of Project 1 or 2 on the assessment slide in case the student needs a reminder of the project parameters.) This would also reduce your hotspot draggable zones from the current 10 to 1 per slide.
    • Or, if you have the slide broken up into 2 slides, the project number would just be a title and the Factors themselves could be draggable objects. Then the 2 target zones could be "Relevant" or "Irrelevant." This would reduce your draggable objects to 10 and your drag zones to 2 per slide.
    • What about making this into a table, or something similar, with multiple selections as the slide format instead of drag and drop. Then, you miight have checkboxes next to each option. The column on the left would list all 10 factors. Then there would be 2 columns to the right of that with "Proposal 1" and "Proposal 2". Inside each corresponding cell underneath the proposal columns would contain 2 check boxes, "Relevant" and "Irrelevant."