Different "Incorrect Response" Layers for Accessible Drag'nDrop
I used this guide (https://community.articulate.com/discussions/articulate-storyline/build-an-accessible-drag-and-drop-interaction-in-storyline) to create an accessible drag'n drop, but it was recommended to me to recreate my original drag n drop into four separate slides because I had four different scenarios. I also wanted to add a certain "try again" message depending on which incorrect answer you chose.
I can't figure out how to get the right "incorrect" layer to show when the user drags the incorrect answer. This question has probably been addressed before, but I struggled to find an answer in the forums. It seems to have to do with the order of the triggers, but I'm not sure. I've attached my slide if someone could take a look at it. (the correct answer is "recall" for this slide)