Forum Discussion

MonaMondin-8b0c's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Disabling Next Button


I am trying to set the next button to disabled until 4 buttons are visited (each button goes to a different slide) and returns to the original slide after each slide is visited. I have set it up with true false variables and I've tried it with a number variable. I can never get the next button to return to normal. I have attached a sample of what I have done with the number variable. I feel like it is probably something simple that I'm just overlooking since no matter how I do it, I continue to have the same problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

  • Check the mixed Navigation in the sample at this post:
    It has four buttons that take the learner to different slides, and when they are all visited, a button appears that can have any trigger on it you want.  In the restricted navigation, the four buttons appear in order, only after the previous one is visited.
  • A couple of thoughts:

    There are problems with groups, triggers and states as you can tell by the inconsistency in the Visited states. You will be much happier if you delete the text boxes from the buttons. Right click, choose edit text, and type the letter. Format it to the right size, set it to left justified and aligned to the top. I did that for Button A (rectangle 9).

    You don't use the count variable for anything, and that is for the best. It takes extra work to prevent multiple clicks from giving a false count, as you discovered. It is much more reliable to use variables that show if a section has been visited, as you are doing.

    Finally, you have all those variables set correctly, but no trigger to use them. I added the "Jump to Finish slide", and it is working.

  • Hi Walt,

    Thank you so much for your response and help. For some reason, I am not able to open the .story file to see what you added. From your description though it sounds like you just added a trigger to jump to the finish slide when the user clicks next. I have attached the trigger that I have in the example that I attached earlier. Do I need to change that trigger to something else?

    Also, you are saying to leave the count variable as I have it correct?

    I will go back and take out all of the text boxes as you suggested also. 

    Thanks again for your help.