Forum Discussion
Discussion boards in Rise
I think Articulate needs its own chat something, maybe something like the discussion forum in Coursera, or maybe something like how Slack operates. Here's why. 1) it signals that this is more like a real world learning experience, where you interact with instructor and other learners. 2) it gives me as a developer or instructor better information about the learner experience, which helps with revisions or new offerings. Padlet might meet a lot of this need. However, Padlet is 3rd party. It adds a risk of exposure that might make it difficult to use by an educational institution (which I work for) due to risk of violation of FERPA. How do I know if use of Padlet will be fully secure? I trust Articulate, but do i trust Padlet? I think one could argue that an Articulate controlled discussion forum type function might rank pretty high in terms of value for a lot of users, and particularly those affiliated with educational institutions. The lack of that might drive users to slighly heavier LMSs, like Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard Ultra, etc.