Forum Discussion

JamesWerling's avatar
Community Member
11 years ago

Does StoryLine backup files?

Hi Everyone!

Dumb me. I was working for about 2 hours on a slide without saving and then the screen just froze. I had to reboot my computer. Does Storyline periodically backup the file you were working on? If so where do you find it?

  • Hi, James,

    Alas. That's a hard lesson. Years ago, I stretched out one day and accidentally hit the Off button on my power strip. Now, I save frequently (and I've moved the power strip). 

    Ctrl+S is your best friend!

  • Yes but Ctrl+S doesn't help when you ARE saving but Storyline just stops saving the file due to whatever reason Storyline does that.  Seriously. People complain about the bugs in Captivate. Clearly they've never used Storyline.

  • So how about it Devs? Put in an autosave/recovery feature like just about every development tool on the market.