Forum Discussion
Draw Questions from Question Bank: Include all VS Include In Shuffle
Hi Tristen,
That's an excellent question! I'd like to help with some insight on the different options when drawing questions from a bank.
I created the attached Storyline file with a question bank containing five question slides. To better appreciate the concept, I only included 3 of 5 questions in the question draw. Given the Include In Shuffle settings shown below:
- Question #2 will always be part of the quiz.
- Question #4 will not be included in the quiz.
- Questions #1, #3, and #5 may or may not be included, but there will always be three questions displayed as per the setting.
That being said, to answer your question below:
Does the overall setting "Include All Questions" mean that all questions in the question bank get used?
It depends on the Include in Shuffle settings. If I have five total questions and select "Include All Questions," we need to look at the number of Never questions. Even if I included all questions but have two Never include in shuffle; only three questions will be displayed.
Questions marked as Randomly or Always will always be included in the draw.
If you see something different and repairing Storyline doesn't improve things, would you be willing to share a copy of your Storyline file here or privately through a support case so we can see why only 2 out of 12 questions are included? We'll delete it when we're done testing!