Enable Next Button After Visit to Each Layer Storyline360
Hi Friends - Quick Storyline 360 rookie question, but for the life of me can't figure this out.
I need to ensure that my learners visit both of the layers that I've added to my slide before being allowed to advance (using Next button). I begin by disabling the Next button when the timeline starts. I also have a "Return" button on each of my layers to bring them back to the base layer. Using button visited triggers on the base layer works fine (re-enables the Next button). However, if my learner clicks the return button on my layer to come back to the base layer, the Next button disables again. I take it there is no "layer visited" condition I can employ, so do need to use some kind of variable? Seems like a lot of work for so simple a task - then again I'm a rookie!
Thanks all!
Ashley Green (though our corporate account says Rich Chapman)