Forum Discussion
Estimated Seat Time or Duration of Course
Does Rise have a feature like Storyline360 that allows you to see an estimated Duration of the Course?
- TomCarter-0375eCommunity Member
I also agree that this would be a great idea!
I've recently design 5 modules to support a new piece of software we're using.
I've made screencasts, added SL blocks for interaction etc.
I copied all text into Word to get a word count, then did an online calc for time to read. I added that t all screencast lengths. then estimated how long each SL block would take to fully interact with. That gave me an est time for each module. Pretty slow - go on Rise - work your magic ;)
- SharonKeung-299Community Member
Is this feature request been implemented? I also agree that this would be a great feature!
Hi All! Thanks for following up and casting your vote for this feature! We're still tracking requests for this, and if we have an update for you, you'll hear about it here!
- APAcademyCommunity Member
Hello! Could you please tell me if this feature was every implemented? Lots of votes for it... (estimated seat time)
- AronBernetCommunity Member
We are very interested in this feature!
- RosemarieWhi387Community Member
Yes Please this would be very helpful
- NikishaWatson-7Community Member
Adding a vote for this feature!
- IlsaMcBrydeCommunity Member
Adding another vote for this feature!
- JayLambertCommunity Member
I agree that an estimated course duration in Rise would be very helpful.
- KerryLarsonCommunity Member
- KarenBumann-470Community Member
I also agree, this feature would be great!