Forum Discussion

RachelMcKinn606's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Exam Resume Issues

I have a final exam in my course and at least two questions are not properly resuming themselves after failing three times, exiting the course, and reopening the course. It doesn't seem to necessarily be the same questions that have the issue, just when running through to review my answers after exiting out of the course and relaunching in the LMS, the final two questions in the review do not have feedback and are answerable. I've tried messing around with changing the "resume saved state" on the base layer and the feedback layer and it has made no difference.

  • Hi Rachel, and welcome to the E-Learning Heroes Community! ✨

    Thanks so much for reaching out! Sorry to hear you're having issues with your final exam displaying as expected when resuming your course. I get that this behavior can be very frustrating! 

    In order to better assist you, I have a few additional questions: 

    • Could you please tell me what LMS you are currently using? 
    • Would it be possible for you to share your .story file with us? I'd like to take a closer look at your setup. You can attach it to this thread or privately in a support case

    Looking forward to hearing from you!