Forum Discussion

MichaelJernigan's avatar
Community Member
12 years ago

Exporting Question

I have about 30 courses and need to get the questions out of them and into one document for review and updating. The questions are all in question banks (one question bank for each course).

How can I export the questions from the banks into one doc? I don't mind exporting them into separate docs then combining them all into one doc later but copying and pasting one question at a time is a little cumbersome.



  • If you can IMPORT a Q-bank from an .xlsx file, you should be able to EXPORT a Q-bank to an .xlsx file.

    As a Law Enforcement agency we must keep our Q-banks in a separate secure location. If an .xlsx file gets corrupt or damaged, we must have a way to re-create that file. Being able to export the Q-bank from a live .story file is extremely necessary for us to be efficient.

    We are currently having to copy/paste every question. very time consuming and unnecessary.

  • Since Question Bank functionality was recently added to Rise 360, I have now started using it.  I am really surprised that this Question Bank excel export functionality is not available - especially given that excel import functionality IS available.  I hope that the increased number of Question Bank users, coming from Rise, will help escalate this functionality on the priority list.  Working without it wastes so much time for learning content managers.