Forum Discussion

Community Member
3 years ago


When the test of such a course is failed, it is necessary to retake the whole training and then repeat the whole test.

How can I order to repeat the whole course if the knowledge test has not been passed and allow, once the whole training is passed again, to take the test again?


  • There are different ways to do it.  I'll give you an example that I just did.

    Recently I had a request to put in a pretest.  I convinced them that rather than a universal pass/fail we could do so for each section.

    I like to use a navigation hub to let students see the different modules.  As the student finished a section I increment a variable to mark that they have completed that chapter.  This is shown by chaining states of objects in the main menu.

    For the pretest I tracked the number of correct answers that corresponded with a module.  Each correct answer would increment 1 to the a variable.  If the user got enough right I would adjust the tracking variable for the module.

    So if the student got say 4 right questions out of the five that corresponded with module 1 they would finish the pretest and find that module 1 was marked as completed.  This would allow them to move on, or if they wanted to check out the content.

    This approach could easily be adapted to a post test evaluation.  It would give them feedback on how they did and let them go back in a more targeted fashion.   If the student gets enough wrong they might need to redo a section.  This is closer to a competency based approach. 

    One caution, I would make it so the student only has to retake something once.  You are not there to adjust the lesson to meet their needs.  It's unfair and incredibly frustrating for the student to fail and not have adaptive instruction, or worse they fail do to some unforeseen glitch.