Forum Discussion

BenPrice-ba9b48's avatar
Community Member
12 hours ago

Focus order: keyboard navigation and screen reader

Hello all,

I’m a very infrequent Storyline user, dusting off Articulate Storyline 3 for the first time in about four years. Apologies if this is a newbie question. I’m about to embark on a month of full-on authoring, so I really appreciate any guidance from the Articulate brains trust😊

My goal is to meet WCAG2 accessibility requirements (or get as close as possible).

Keyboard Navigation: With a keyboard, I can tab through all the interactive elements in the handful of slides I’ve put together (see the example in my screenshot). I vaguely recall from years ago, perhaps incorrectly, that I could tab through text boxes. I’ve found a workaround by adding a trigger (that doesn’t really do anything) and making the text boxes interactive. Should I be able to tab through my text boxes? Do others keep their text boxes tabbable?

JAWS Screen Reader: I’ve downloaded JAWS, and it reads the interactive objects correctly when I tab through. However, it doesn’t pick up text boxes in the Focus Order unless I click on the text on the screen AND have replicated the text in the Alternative Text row. Is this expected behaviour? How would you normally handle this? Should I stick to my keyboard navigation workaround and add the alternative text?

Any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated.



  • Hi Ben - Using the tab key is going to capture the interactive elements (e.g., tabbing to the next interactable). The text boxes should be read as content when using the up and down arrows on the keyboard. Let me know if this helps :)