Forum Discussion

AlexisHuxley-8b's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Formating storyline quiz to match with rise quiz?

The size of the font appears differently and the size of assets comes in differently from a placed Storyline component into a Rise course. How can you make course consistent using storyline components in Rise.  Same size fonts and buttons. Also the drop shadow box is default in Rise how can you emulate for Storyline? Thanks.

  • Hi Alexis,

    Great question! I understand you'd like to know how to match the Rise font and button size in your Storyline content. I'd be happy to get some information about that!

    Here are the font and button sizes.

    • The font size of the body text in Rise 360 is 16px.
    • The dimensions of the continue button are 761.66 x 57 pixels.

    Also, to mimic the drop shadow box in Storyline you can create a shape and place the drop shadow behind it in the Drawing Tools - Format tab. Click on the Shape Effect button to create the shadow. Here is an article on how you can format your drop shadow once you've created it.

    I hope this helps you out!

  • Thank you, when I make all my font 18px in Rise and in the Storyline component they look different the leading is also different.

    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi Alexis!

      Thanks for following up and sharing the feedback!

      Matching the font exactly between Rise and Storyline 360 blocks can be a little challenging due to a variety of reasons such as:

      • The chosen size of the Storyline block.
      • Which browser the content is being viewed in.
      • The player settings (buttons on/off etc.).

      Also, I had some clarifying questions to help me understand your situation a little better:

      • Are you able to replicate the behavior using other fonts such as Arial?
      • Does the behavior occur when using any browser?

      If you would be willing to share a screen recording of the differences you are noticing, it could be helpful in narrowing down the exact cause.

      Looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Thank you this is 18 px rise and storyline

  • Hello Alexis, 

    Thanks for the additional information. Matching fonts in Rise 360 and embedded Storyline 360 blocks is tricky because the font in Rise 360 courses remain constant, while the size of embedded Storyline 360 courses change depending on the available browser space, due to Rise 360's responsive design

    Because the height and width of embedded Storyline 360 blocks cannot be defined, there isn't a way to keep the size of its container constant. I'll let other members of the community chime in to see if some of them were able to lock the size of embedded Storyline 360 courses through other means.